Iqbal day is organized and celebrated on 9 November every year around the world as a tribute to Allama Muhammad Iqbal, the “Poet of the East”.
Iqbal day is organized and celebrated on 9 November every year around the world as a tribute to Allama Muhammad Iqbal, the “Poet of the East”.
The main purpose of celebrating this day, across all the provinces of Pakistan, is to signify Iqbal’s importance and acknowledge his contribution that inspired the idea of the Pakistan movement among the Muslims of the subcontinent
In order to preserve our cultural identity, PEN believes that Culture is a basic pillar of literacy taught at all levels of education.
PEN has taken on the task of commemorating Allama Iqbal’s contribution by hosting programs that can educate today’s youngsters. In all PEN-adopted schools, beautiful and uplifting events were held. The event was followed by a tableau in which the children gave a powerful poetic message. The students also gave speeches to emphasize Iqbal’s message to the youth.
The Students were enthralled by the occasion, which served as a reminder of Allama Muhammad Iqbal’s tremendous personality.